Why Come On Aussie?
Good question...
There's certainly a truckload of Australian business directories around where you could list your Aussie business… and certainly not all of them are created equal
I'd like to share a few simple reasons why Come on Aussie should be at the top of your “to-do” list for directory submissions or online advertising!
First up… Come on Aussie is…
» A Long Established Australian Directory «
It's not some “fly-by-night” or “Johnny-come-lately” to the directory scene!
Come on Aussie HAS been around for quite a while.
And that makes a BIG difference
Come On Aussie is a long established Australian business website directory, which has been online since 2002.
It is also part of a network of other (mainly Australian flavoured) websites, which have been online, progressively, since 1995.
That “longevity” has helped us become…
» A Popular Destination «
Come On Aussie is a popular destination for people seeking information on Australian web sites with a Google Page Rank of 4/10, and an Alexa rank of 52,183 on May 17 2014.
And that means Come on Aussie has developed…
» A Solid Reputation «
I ensure that nothing trashy, dubious or spammy goes on here.
Come On Aussie has developed, and continues to maintain, a solid, ongoing reputation with all the major search engines for providing quality content.
» Quality Content «
Our ongoing MANUAL review of new submissions ensures only the highest quality Australian / NZ businesses are included in our directory!
The resulting established “authority” means Google, MSN, Yahoo (and more) visit regularly, always looking for new content to feed into their indexes.
Your Come On Aussie website listing is designed to give the search engines the quality, relevant content they want, as well as providing useful information for our HUMAN visitors too
» Better Search Engine Placement «
Because your Australian website appears on highly relevant pages related to your industry, it is quickly “discovered” by the search engines when they visit!
That “relevance” can help you achieve better placement for your website on the major search engines. Often, your Come On Aussie listing can even appear ABOVE your “real” listing (to the main URL) on many of the major search engines, at least initially with new websites.
And that's a good thing!
Because it doesn't matter HOW people find you… as long as they do!
» Great “Long Tail” Results «
What is surprising is the total number, and vast range, of search terms people use, to find the various pages at Come On Aussie!
When I last looked at the stats, there were referrals from search engines for over 47,000 KEY PHRASES!
It's pretty amazing that one website can be found for so many different key terms!
And that means the main type of visitor traffic arriving here is…
» “Qualified” Traffic «
Our submission process helps you focus on things that generate qualified visitors to your website, as well as improve your SEO and linking.
There's also a good amount of “trickle traffic” possible IF you structure your listing correctly.
Many of the more “popular” listings at Come On Aussie are viewed over 100 times each month, and hundreds of listings have between 15 and 100 page views each and every month.
While that might not seem much… but it's often a LOT MORE than you get from some of the other Aussie directories
Remember… this IS highly “qualified” traffic being directed to your web site! If you're doing things right, they should convert a lot better than casual search traffic does.
» Syndicated Listings «
Our Australian website listings are syndicated on our networked sites, and several other, well trafficked sites, which means even more exposure for you
For example… the “Latest Aussie Websites” section on this site uses that technique.
Other website owners are encouraged to use any or all of our RSS Feeds to display on their pages.
» Easy To Update «
Come on Aussie was one of the first to provide user editable directory listings, to encourage you to return (as often as you can) to easily edit your listing and keep your info fresh, accurate and up-to-date!
Because that's another thing search engines love…
Updated content!
» Not too shabby at all… eh? «
If all of that doesn't provide a substantial boost to your SEO efforts, then I don't know what will!!!
And THAT is just the STANDARD Listings at Come On Aussie!
Our FEATURED LISTINGS work ever betterer for you
So Start Here…
And Add Your Listing
Come On Aussie has a range of long established, human moderated, spam free, business website directories, which eligible businesses are welcome to list their details on for no charge.
So start by selecting a directory to Add Your Listing to NOW!
Then… Once You're Listed…
Feature Your Business With Us!
Remember when milk had cream? And the cream always rose to the top?
Well, I provide lots of opportunities to feature the best businesses / websites so they can always appear near the top of our results…
There are several reasonably priced options available to feature your business prominently at Come On Aussie, or on other sites in our network.
» » Find out more here… « «
Discover our
Internet Consultancy Services
I've been around for a while, so I actually DO have a better idea of what should work, and what doesn't work, online.
And I love to help small business owners like you with impartial advice on your Internet Strategy.
I can take an in depth look at the big picture, and make suggestions… eg for fixing problems.. and professionally liaise with your current developer as required in moving forward to better achieve your online goals.
I also offer add-on services such as domain name registration, web hosting and web design, if you decide you need them.
Talk to me now!
I'd love to have a chat to you. Please use these contact details.
Stephen Spry